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Frequently Asked Questions!

  • How do I become a member?
  • The platform with the aim to create membership utility we have introduce a private but open space. To participate, register to create an account. After that, an internal platform ethereum wallet will be automatically generated, with this internal wallet you can deposit and withdraw funds in and out to other crypto wallets or exchange platforms. After opening your personal account it is possible to connect to your MetaMask, Trust or any other wallet from any chain as we have an ethereum based NFT minting service but enable listing and sales on other chains on the blockchain network. When you have gained access you have a chance to own a verified Premium-NFT account if approved, however you have the right to maintain complete anonymity.

  • How Do I create an NFT?
  • Due to the fact that we hope to maintain the idea that creativity and art in general is open to everyone we have made minting open for every member although verification of work ownership would be required, Creation of NFTs is currently accessible with the aim to make the Premium-NFT space an easy to use platform, just choose to mint and fill in the forms to the specifications on how you want to mint your NFTs once NFTs are minted there’s no longer a need to list as each works are automatically listed on our explore

  • How do I Deposit/withdraw?
  • All deposits and withdrawal functions are done with 3rd party exchange service or crypto wallet we advise use of Moon pay or Gemini to buy your cryptocoins

  • What type of Community are we?
  • With the aim to build a decentralized community, we have given each user ranks depending on what value they portray to the community and their activity on Premium-NFT space, These ranks don’t differentiate any user from each other as we all are Premium-NFT elites although the ranks give you access to tokens and shows how much activity you have in the community (note: each user cannot use pass a 1 vote per poll as to have fair polls in our community) after a general request has been made by the community a poll would be raised where each vote could be bought with tokens, exchange rates would be put up at Premium-NFT hub as well for everyone to see